Saturday, July 3, 2010

aaand we move onward!!!

You know in those romance movies, how the two main people are about to have sex, but all you get is the hint that they actually do it, and then the next scene is them under sheets the next morning? well, that is exactly what happened in the one and only sex scene in book 3. it was actually a pretty good, it had a good plot, nice content between the mains, but the part that i actually care about was terribly lacking.

Buuuuut lucky for me, i have book 4, The Diva Diaries, written by Karen Anders. Book 4 has the promise of finally finally finally delivering what i'm looking for. it's got the awesome teaser first page, an interesting prologue, and it's got a half naked chick on the cover. although the downside is it has ANOTHER COWBOY.....for serious? this is the third book in a row. i'm so over cowboys right now, it's not even funny. but i digress. the plot line for this book follows a violin prodigy who has just lost her grandmother, and has been given the task to find her grandmother's naughty diaries from her young days. which sends her to texas, where we meet the cowboy. strange, i know...but at least we finally have a book with promise...please rejoice with me!!! :D

Sunday, June 27, 2010

and we move onward!!!

book 2.......good lord. tiny font, pointless sex scene, ugh. they didn't even bother describing the sex scene...they described the foreplay.......THE FOREPLAY! that is so so so so not a romance novel. so for those of you who followed the plot, miss hard-to-get eventually gave in to mr cowboy's manly cowboy good looks, fell in love, got married, blah blah blah.

book 3!!! short, large font, essentially my dream book right now. so far, the plot follows 2 high-school sweethearts, now broken up for years, re-united by fate....(hm, this sounds kinda like book 1), and blah, it's another cowboy book. but this time, the guy's a vet, not a cowboy......oh goody.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Book #2!!

Now that I've finished the monstrosity known as book 1, i've moved on to the blissfully short book 2. "One Husband Needed", written by Jeanne Allan, follows the life of a widowed mother on her journey to Aspen, to attend her father's wedding. There she meets her soon-to-be brother-in-law, who is the epitome of cowboy masculinity...oh goody. She has the worst personality ever. Negative about everything, and just bitter all around. If i was in her place, and a tall, dark, and handsome guy is hitting on me and randomly kissing me, i would be all over him, buuuut no. She has to be the strong, 'oh don't touch me, i'm a girl' kind of girl. *rolls eyes*

So far, book 2 is miles better than book 1, but halfway through, and still no sex. It is a short book, so i'll still give it some slack.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ooooh eeeeemmm geeeee....

After 315 very, incredibly, agonizing long pages, ladies and gentlemen, we have the first sex scene of the very first book. I say agonizing, because for the first 315 pages, it had been leading up to that very point. Now, our 'star-crossed lovers', as they are continuously called throughout the book, have been miraculously re-united, by chance of course, and are now living under the same roof (long story short, she inherited the house he was renting...). Now with that said, you would think that they would of at least hooked up in the first 50 pages, maybe 100. But noooooo...they had to be all 'Oh no, he can't remember the one time we had sex 4 years ago, i'm going to avoid him completely'.....for serious??

Needless to say, i'm rather disappointed with book 1 of 70-something...the sex was average at best, was sparked by her whining to him in the middle of the night, and only lasted a few pages. Puh-leeeese. Spare me the melodrama, and give me something good.

Only about 70 pages are between me and book 2...let's hope it fares better than number 1....about anything could be better...zombies maybe!!

New record...longest wait for a sex scene: 315 pages.... >.<

Sunday, June 13, 2010

First Steps!

Hello bloggers!

This blog is to follow my journey through the graduation present I just received, consisting of approximately 70 or more romance novels. I have pledged to myself, not to mention the givers of this gift, to read all of the books. Oh geez...

Now to make things more interesting, I'm going to write about the 'epic' plot lines, and fill you in on all the juicy details, alphabetically of course.

The first book on my list is "When We Meet Again", by Victoria Alexander. So far a touching story following two aristocrats in early 18th century Venice. Our lovers first meet in the prologue, at a masquerade ball, which of course being a romance novel, leads to them immediately having sex. Big surprise there. But alas, this is only a one night stand, for the first chapter takes place 4 years later. And that is where I am in the book. Chapter 2.